Thursday, February 26, 2009

Do you ever have a theme song for your day?

Today, as I was leaving the field after a day of Hygiene and Cleanliness of the Compound training, I started singing this Ben Harper song, and realized there was something deeper going on inside. These were my thoughts…

I am blessed to be a witness….

Truly… why am I the one to be blessed to witness this. Every scene is a story….

The silhouette of a young girl carrying an empty bucket – a picture I want to take, but instead ask God to help me memorize it’s beauty…

The old muzai that leaning so far backwards to wave to me that he almost fell over…

The children balancing loads on their heads, removing their hands that were helping steady the load to wave to me…

The little girl sitting and drawing in the dirt, looks up with smiles and waves as I ride by…

The family all outside cooking and enjoying the last of the daylight, and calling out to me as I leave until tomorrow…

The children who are screaming to me across shambas so I will wave back….

The mamas carrying the daily wash on their heads, and greeting me warmly as I ride by…

The two boys who are jumping and yelling and waving wildly at the sight of me – they were sitting in a shallow puddle bathing…

The man carrying a tree down the goat path I walk home on, who is willing to let me pass first…

The boys bathing at the spring down in the valley about 100 meters from our home…

The amazing smell as I turned a corner on the path…

My neighbor who lovingly greets me as I return home from the day – he rushes to open the gate for me so I do not have to exert the effort…

The literally – HUNDREDS of faces I see everyday that smile at me as if I’ve done something other than just BE.

I wish I could paint the picture for you.

Only by the grace of God go I...go I. 

I am blessed, I am blessed. I am blessed, I am blessed. I am blessed, I am blessed. I am blessed to be a witness….


Andrea said...

Beautifully written, my friend! It reminds me of how I felt, when at the Seventh Day Slumber concert, a hundred or so teens were on their knees crying out to God for healing in their lives. I sat back, humbled, and thought, "My God, why...and how...HOW did you use little ol' me to get these people here this night to experience this?" I'm thankful that you had that walk with God, seeing with His eyes the many blessings He gives us each day. I pray we can both learn to see even more clearly the infinite number of amazing gifts He surrounds us with each day. Honestly, for me, there is even great joy in the poop up Macy's back that I clean up nearly everyday. There was once a time that I prayed for a healthy baby to mother, and now I have TWO :) God is SO VERY GOOD! I love you, and miss you, and am so thankful to call you my friend. (and I am really thankful that you (and Tara) not only take the time to read my blogs, but to comment on them...helps me feel connected to you both, which makes me super dooper happy :) Fo real!

T@R@ said...

Girl, you did paint the picture! I felt like I was walking right along with you (wish I was!). I always love reading your blogs but even more I love the plan God created specifically for you and the fact that you are living in the center of it...How amazing is that?! Love you x 1 million!

Lauren said...

Hey, love! I love this post! What a gift! So glad!

Britt said...

thank you for making me bust out an old song i haven't listened to in far too long! i know why you get to be blessed to be a witness. because you said "here am i, send me," despite the times when you feel like you have given everything to go, despite the fact that you have given up the comforts that an American birth and a masters degree from a University should warrant, in exchange for a house with dirt floors and no white chocolate mochas or your familiar comforts, friends, or loved ones. it seems crazy that God would pick some girl out of Dawsonville to change peoples lives in Kuria, Kenya, but it seems even crazier that a girl with the world at her fingertips would give it up knowing that to be welcomed by waves and smiles from children on dirt streets would truly be gaining the world. it's true that it has cost you everything, but also that you will gain everything. it is recognizing that those moments are the reason you have sacrificed your own familiar waves and smiles. it is recognizing that despite and because of your sacrifice, you have been blessed to be a witness and seeing those moments as the blessings that they are. love you!